MC ZULU – For The Soul (Demo)
I have been watching the moves of society… Wanted to put some healing vibes & energy out there. Let The Chuuuuch Say Amen :::LYRICS::: I tried to make conversation Ideas they float through my head […]
I have been watching the moves of society… Wanted to put some healing vibes & energy out there. Let The Chuuuuch Say Amen :::LYRICS::: I tried to make conversation Ideas they float through my head […]
I went back to the Elevate writing session and rearranged it as a Roots Reggae track. ::: LYRICS ::: Benefit of hindsight. Benefit of guiding light. Clairvoyant frequency Devoid of decency Nothing more that can […]
Kind of a behind the scenes, practice/writing session. Sometimes you have a melody in mind, and you just want to lay down the demo. Free Your Mind and Elevate
Excerpt from a short poem called “Statesman”. Absolutely no sympathy for The Devil ::: LYRICS ::: All the mercies we Grant you have a dark side Elder statesmen, were hiding from the sunlight So the […]
The extreme disappointment continues. I really don’t have the words… but I always have the lyrics. Music: Dr. Dre, Next Episode … because I despise wars. ::: LYRICS ::: Start up the War Machine When […]
I am done with Earthlings… Broadcasting live and direct from space 😑 I want to slap so many of you. Some of these may never be spun off into full songs. They are just verses […]
How much of what you believe is based on blind trust? This is what makes you shut down the critical thinking process. Just a thought. Riddim Track: Wonk / “Reclaim The Streets”
Coins of the Realm has to do with the crypto gold rush. Some firmly believe, while others say it’s a scam. It’s really not for me to say. I know what I’ve been doing ever […]
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