This is an interesting time in history. It’s not like certain things have never happened before, but now we see up close and immediately, what’s taking place. Being that humanity was socially bred into choosing sides and placing their collective bets, we’ve lost the ability to think critically.
Seizing on this particular handicap are leaders who don’t really care about the people they claim to represent. Their message is one of separation and disharmony. It places their constituents in a dangerous position, but this is the price of power.
If only one conflict were taking place, the world would be in a much better position. The fact is that human rights violations are the norm around the globe. Our other mutual disability seems to be a limited attention span. We suffer from a diminished capacity and cannot process whatever we don’t see in the current news cycle.
Remixed by Moongriffin
Worldwide Ceasefire: The song speaks to all of it. The artwork is UGLY, disordered, as is the world, with hints of beauty attacking the chaos. Start seeing things for what they are. That’s how we’ll survive this.