If you happen to wander into this establishment on a busy day, you might be thrown off by the crowd size, but worry not. You’ll be seated before you know it. Your food will arrive in a timely fashion, and it’s delicious! I’ll always start these reviews with my first impression. This is the most accurate way for me to describe Batter and Berries: Efficiency without compromising quality.
This establishment is known for its French Toast. Selecting just the right Brioche, toppings that don’t overwhelm, engaging presentation… these are things that may fly under the radar if one is famished, but I try to have an eye for details.
It’s not difficult to notice how courteous the staff is. They are enthusiastic about sharing an experience. This engenders the same courtesy on behalf of the diners. They vacate soon after they’ve finished, allowing the traffic to flow smoothly.
I thoroughly enjoyed the blueberry French Toast and a spinach omelette. In my more gluttonous days, I would have thrown down at least a separate waffle meal, in addition to their Batter & Berries salad. Full confession, sometimes I still cut loose like that, but I’m a work in progress.
Nevertheless, if you are looking for a quick and excellent breakfast, this establishment comes highly recommended. Spread The Word!
2748 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago IL
Website: https://www.batterandberries.com