I recently made an appearance on Fox 32 Chicago. They brought me in to discuss the Facebook Group “What To Do In Chicago”, which seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. It’s serving a great purpose for those who are new to the area, visiting, or even existing residents. I would love to take more credit, but the group answers the question by way of community input, literally running itself.
There’s one thing I want to stress though. I didn’t create the group. It was started by Uroosa Rahim of Naubahar Films. I served as administrator, helping to remove spam and allowing the conversations to develop naturally. I believe, for honest dialogue, Facebook is the preferred platform. The functionality shows you the chronology of someone’s life. That makes it a little easier to spot advertisers and spammers. A recommendation is much more powerful than an advertisement.
MC ZULU Offstage…
I myself am not cool. I’m a nerd who dragged his poor kids into museums just as much as theme parks. Life is balance 🙂 One thing I do know: If you involve the community in anything, it usually produces great results. As the conversation grows, we moderate and keep our distance. Only seek to do what’s necessary. Water the plant and step away. Otherwise you will block out the sun, and hinder its growth.
My next step is to actually take advice from fellow group members and visit some of the hotspots around town. The series will be called “Spread The Word”. If you are in the area and find yourself wanting to fill an itinerary, visit WHAT TO DO IN CHICAGO on Facebook. Post a question in the group, and you’ll probably get several great answers. It’s being curated that way.